Well, I know I fell off the planet again, but it has been so hard to deal with reality the last few weeks that I needed to take a breath, step back and start over again.....
I started my Lupron shots this past Monday after much stress. I had my appt. with the IVF nurse on the 26th, and we went over all the info and consents for this cycle. You want to talk about a lot of info holy cow!! So then there was an issue with them not having our Marriage license, so I had to fax that to them that night, well it got done wrong, so I got it to her the morning of the 27th. I didn't hear from them Friday, so I tried again Monday, and still no answer, so I called the ins. co. and found out that we were approved for this IVF!!! YEAH!!! So I ran up to Norfolk to get part of the meds that I am going to need, and then had lunch with Clark. I am getting a little pissed though because I still as of this AM not heard back from anyone at the RE's office, so I am going to have to make a few calls. I am doing ok on the Lupron, not to many side effects yet, and I hope that it stays that way!! I am looking forward to getting this over with though, and if this cycle works, we should be having a little one in the middle of July of next year. I am staying very cautiously optimistic though. I did send an appeal letter to the ins. co. about the surgery though, and I will see what they say.
Clark is doing well, and so is Kent... in fact he made all A's and B's this time on his progress reports, so he got his TV and games back.... but I have caught him playing his GameBoy when he is supposed to be sleeping.. little turkey!!
My friend K moved back to MN, and I miss her something terrible already, but she needed surgery, and couldn't get the docs here to listen to her, so she needed to go. Kent and her son were friends to, so that has been hard on him. I spent all last week helping her hubby pack and move because she went home the week before. She was one of my closest friends, and now she is gone... I feel so alone for female friends now!!!
My family have all officially lost their minds... I won't go into details, but I swear I am the only sane adult in the freaking bunch, except for my middle brother, and they are driving me nuts. I am so sick and tired of being tossed in the middle of everything that happens, I wish they would all just get over the past and move the hell on with life. Who cares what happened 20 years ago??? Can't I just be allowed to love both my parents w/o having to feel like being forced to pick one or the other??? I don't need this shit right now, and the whole thing had me crying all day yesterday. I am so glad that I started seeing my therapist again because that is the only thing that held me together yesterday. Clark says that he wishes I would just cut them all loose, and not be so hurt every time something like this happens, but I love and feel with all my heart, and they are after all my family.... UGH I did tell Clark yesterday that I love him so much for always standing behind me and being my rock when stuff like this happens. He totally hates seeing me get hurt, and pretty much trys to keep it from happening, but I always go back and ask for more. I don't know why, but I guess it is because they are my family and they are all I have!!
My In Laws will be coming out here on the 14th of this month, and staying til the 16th or 17th, so I will be doing a lot of cleaning in the next week. I am not looking forward to this at all, we just don't get a long, and it was so last minute she just called me Monday night and told me....I honestly hope that it goes well, but I am not sure it will, not to mention I have no clue what we are going to do while they are here. Oh well we will see.....
I am gonna run for now, I have some calls to make, and I need to get some housework done.....
1024th Friday Blog Roundup
1 day ago
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