I have been going over the whole dental issue in my brain, and I had some thoughts so I Googled it, and this is what I found... Infertility Treatment and Oral Health. Take a minute and go read the article then come back.....
So, do you see where I am going with this?? I pounded out an e-mail to my RE and got a response back within the hour. Yeah she thinks it is plausible. She told me to get the teeth fixed and then we could talk.
Talk about what?? The fact that I just blew my wad on 3 IVF's and an FET, which probably failed because I had a massively fucked up mouth that no one at my old dentists office decided to tell me about??
I am not mad at my RE so don't get me wrong, but I am so full of anger right now that I literally almost got in my car and drove up there to confront them(the old dentist). The new dentist told me that the decay was there last January, according to the x-rays that the old office gave me, and they should have let me know about it then, but no one mentioned it to me at all.
You have got to be fucking kidding me.
1024th Friday Blog Roundup
1 day ago
oh holy crap is all i can say....will be interested to hear what your dentist has to say about not telling you any of this earlier.....
I am so sorry! That is totally screwed up!
Oh this is awful! what a shitty dentist!
That is horrible!! I'm glad you have a new dentist that is better.
I am pissed for you. You so don't need this kind of mindfuck.
I wish I knew what to say to this. You like to believe that your doctors prepare you and make sure everything is perfect (i dotted, t crossed). Now the what ifs. Ugh.
Well freakin hell! Im so sorry!
You know, it didn't dawn on me when we were talking, but I remember reading about how the presence of infections in either partner can contribute to fertility problems. Damn.
Whoa. I would be just as pissed as you. Ugh. Is there a way to go after a dentist for malpractice? Maybe recoup enough (after they pay for all your dental work) for another cycle?
I am so sorry!
This sucks....I'm so sorry!!! Bad dentist....and another blow from infertility!!! YUCK!
Wow. I wonder if you can sue for malpractice, since the old dentist certainly did harm by not taking care of the problem when it happened. They should certainly be paying for your dental work at the very least!
Well, holy crap. Whodathunkit?
Great look on your blog BTW!!
First of all - my reader somehow lost your blog for a while - today there were suddenly 12 new posts listed! So, I'm sorry that I haven't been keeping up, I just thought you were lying low for a while...
Second, WOW you've had a lot going on. All I can say is you have my sympathies for everything you've been dealing with, and my smiles for the pictures of your sweet girl. Truly adorable.
And third, one of my oldest and dearest friends went through the bad-enamel thing at 27. She ended up having most of her teeth removed, had partial dentures for about a year while she used medication to encourage bone growth in her jaw to replace some of the loss caused by the infections, and then got permanent implants. The process sucked, but she was able to do it all within one calendar year so she could deduct the expenses. It's been fourteen years, and she is really happy with them.
By the way, I remember my RE saying that the reason they have all their patients on antibiotics is because there are several kinds of hidden infections that can affect success, and testing for all of them was so expensive that it was easier to put everyone on a wide spectrum antibiotic "just in case". Not sure if that covered oral issues, and it certainly doesn't cover the fact that your old dentist just totally dropped the ball with your care.
Okay! More soon, now that my reader has it's @#%! together!
Just found your blog - great reading. Am tempted to go to my dentist and ask for some answers now!
That is crazy!!! My dentist was telling me about having good oral health when TTC because gingivitis gets worse during pg but I didn't know there was an ART link.... wow!
WOW! Thanks for sharing that. How frustrating.
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