At least I think that is what the hell I am doing... it is 1:40 in the am here in the Infertile house, and I am up..... you see my washer and dryer have been vomiting pink and various girly shades for about 5 hours now, and I think, maybe, just maybe, that I might be done for the night!!
It all started this morning when I rolled out of bed, and decided that TODAY was the DAY that we were going to go buy Turtle's dresser. I informed Clark of my plans, and that he was not being asked, but rather he was being informed that he was going to go to T*rget to help me acquire said dresser, but not before we partook in the purchase of X-mas gifts for the grandmothers to be at K-M*rt. We woke Kent, gave him instructions and were out the door before 9. We got part of the stuff at K-M*rt, and I allowed Clark to purchase a few toys for himself... yeah the man LOVES anything Volkswag*n, and imagine his surprise when we found all kinds of MatchB*x type cars in every form of Volkswag*n he could want, so I indulged him!! He was to cute for words I have to admit. Off, to T*rget, acquire said dresser, a few other little things, get some lunch, and then home we go!! Five minutes in the door and I was BEGGING Clark to bring the dresser in so we could put it together.... Or rather I should say I put together!! Kent helped me some by reading the directions, and in less then 2 hours we had a beautiful piece of nursery furniture up and ready to receive clothing... which it has been!!! So, along with the few things that I picked up, the clothes that we got from the shower, and the HUGE box of stuff I scored for an amazing price at a yard sale, I have been force feeding my washer all evening!! I cannot tell you how it feels to be washing those little things for MY daughter. Putting things on hangers in her closet that she will be wearing in just a few short weeks, with any luck, and trying to take it all in while I can. It is still amazing to me that this is going to happen, and just like quite a few of you out there in BlogLand have reminded me, it may take a long time to get used to the whole idea... but hopefully we will have all that time!!!
I have been having some issues though that will warrant a call to the OB on Monday. I have been having some pretty severe headaches, shooting stars in my vision, numbness in my hands and feet, and then today while at L*wes I almost fainted. I felt my heart beating funny, and stopped to think, when I suddenly felt everything going fuzzy. Clark was right there and asked if I was ok, but as soon as I thought I felt better, I literally lost all my strength, and he had to hold me up. After a minute or so I felt better, but that really bothers me a lot, so I am going to call and let the doc know. Turtle has been moving a lot, so I don't think that there is anything wrong with her, but these things together could mean something for me, so I need to ask.....
Before I sign off, I want to ask for a little prayer... Kent has his yearly MRI this coming Monday to check his tumor for growth, and to scan for any new tumors.... so if you could say a little something for us that all will be clear, and he will start this year as his 6th in remission, I would love you all forever!! I get so worried every time we have to do this, that we are going to get bad news, and up until now it has been good, so it would be really nice to keep the luck flowing for another year!!!
I better get to bed now... I am really starting to get sleepy!! Hugs to all out in BlogLand!!!
Having a human body is bullshit
11 minutes ago